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Caption Two

                           UA| EN

Inzhenerna srt. 5
044 290-43-49



1. Kharkiv

2. Lviv

3. South-Ukrainian




Kharkiv branch of the State Scientific Organization

«L.Pohorilyi Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Forecasting and Testing

of Machinery and Technologies for Agricultural Production»


The branch is the successor to the Kharkov State Machine Testing Station, created in 1960 for the purpose of testing equipment for the processing industry of the procurement system for agricultural products.

The area of activity of the Kharkiv branch is the Eastern region of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk regions). In 2002 it was accredited in the UkrSEPRO certification system.


Main areas of activity:

- forecast and priority areas of scientific research of technologies and means of mechanization of agricultural production;

- all types of state tests, certification, ranking and formation of the State Register of technical means for the agricultural sector;

- development of the regulatory and methodological basis of tests;

- propaganda and dissemination of knowledge based on the results of scientific and experimental activities.


Director of the branch – Lebedev Serhyi Anatoliyovich

Address: 236 Kotlova Street, Kharkiv, 61139

E-mail: hfukrndipvt@gmail.com

Tel.: (057) 712-90-72, 712-94-74

Mob. 050 300 53 60; 050 300 53 49




Lviv branch of the the State Scientific Organization «L.Pohorilyi Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Forecasting and Testing of Machinery and Technologies for Agricultural Production»


The branch is the successor to the Lviv State zonal machine testing station which was organized on the basis of order No. 338 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR dated 31.12.1958 in Western Ukraine on the basis of the Mageriv repair and technical station in the Lviv region.

Area of activity of the Lviv branch - Western region of Ukraine (Lviv, Ternopil, Zakarpattia, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Khmelnytskyi and Volyn regions).


Main areas of activity:

- scientific and technical examination and implementation of the latest technical and technological solutions for the production of agricultural products, testing of machine and technology complexes;

- promotion and dissemination of knowledge based on the results of scientific and testing activities;

- organization and holding of seminars, conferences, Field Days with the participation of regional manufacturers and suppliers of agricultural machinery;

- certification tests and tests for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of agricultural machinery in accordance with industry-approved accreditation.

The testing laboratory of the branch is accredited by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine for technical competence in the field of testing agricultural machinery and tractors according to State standards of Ukraine ISO \ IEC 17025:2006 (ISO \ IEC 17025:2005), accreditation certificate No. 2N 376 dated November 29, 2013.


Director of the branch – Moskalenko Olexandr Dmitrovich

Address: 80327, Lviv region, Zhovkivskyi district,

Township Maheriv, st. L.Martovich, 15

E-mail: lfilia@ukr.net

Tel.: (02352)-46-274

Fax: (02352)-46-234




South Ukrainian branch of the State Scientific Organization «L.Pohorilyi Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Forecasting and Testing of Machinery and Technologies for Agricultural Production»



The branch is the successor to the South Ukrainian State zonal machine testing station, which was organized on the basis of the order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated November 17, 1950 No. 18634-Ð and in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Cotton Production of the USSR dated March 20, 1951 No. 484.

The area of activity of the Southern Ukrainian branch of L.Pohorilyi UkrNDIPVT includes Kherson, Mykolaiv, Kirovohrad, Odesa, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk regions.


Main areas of activity:

- laboratory and field tests of agricultural machinery and equipment, including sprinklers and drip irrigation systems;

- scientific and technical examination of technical means and technologies;

- promotion and dissemination of knowledge based on the results of scientific and testing activities;

- organization and holding of seminars, conferences, Field Days with the participation of regional manufacturers and suppliers of agricultural machinery;

- certification and assessment of compliance of equipment with the requirements of technical regulations.

The experimental laboratory of the branch is accredited by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine for technical competence in the field of testing agricultural machinery and tractors according to State standards of Ukraine ISO \ IEC 17025:2006 (ISO \ IEC 17025:2005), accreditation certificate No. 2H509 dated 07.04.2013.


Director of the branch – Malyarchuk Volodymyr Mykolayovich

Address: Zhovtneve village, Kherson city, 73484

Website of the institution

E-mail: puf_ukrndipvt@ukr.net

Tel.: (0552)-36-21-10, (0552)-36-21-17

Fax: (0552)-36-21-16

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